Howdy dear internet populace!
I just felt like typing about a conjecture I have in regards to human relations. No not the kinda thing a HR department has. More like person to person kinda thing.
From what I have gathered from the people who have known me a while, I say it's somewhat reasonably safe to say that I am a pretty nice person. Probably above average.
But at what point does one try help another without intruding on the person? Is giving help intruding on someone? Is receiving help a sign of weakness? I'm sure there are points that could swing it either way.
Human relations to be broadly defined (well its my term haha) is when two people come together and work towards something (usually a common goal). The means and manner are irrelevant (very broad scope right now - trees in the woods not wood on the trees) for my purposes right now. No one person is ever the same (although they may share the same interests, etc). As such when two people sit down to do something together, friction almost definitely arises to whatever degree. This is always the case regardless of the level of involvement.
You always care about people you know. The level of involvement always dictates to the lengths you would go to in caring for that person. Obviously I would not care and help a 'normal' friend to the same level as I would to say close family and a significant other right?
Also there are some intersecting common areas between helping and caring. But what is my personal distinction? Caring is helping someone in whatever shape or form with out a desire for reciprocity. It is an act of betterment that one engages in expecting nothing in return. Helping for me is more of a favor. Some understood form of future payback is usually associated. Care is an act of giving for the prime sake of betterment.
But at what point does caring and helping intrude on one another? Is there such a distinction? Unwanted help surely does exist. But care? Caring is something the world needs more of. It's the warm fuzzy blanket in the solemn grey cold and wet days. Care is what makes a person rise above and accomplish things that are not needed by anyone yet benefits them if done. No one needs to really help the sick and needy. If no one lends a helping hand, they will carry on as is, but if someone stops by and goes "hey, I can do something here", then whatever little is done, it is still a little bit better. Care, as with most other good virtues is one of those things that people do not lose anything if nothing is done but plenty to gain if someone does something about it. Sure it may be an intrusion to a certain degree, but it ultimately makes things better. Better is good right?
So where am I going with this? No where really. I just felt like talking about it.
Thanks for reading.
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