Monday, July 27, 2009

Picture of where I turned around at Mount Rainier

I guess I'll toss a pic of myself at the highest point I hiked on Mount Rainier. I would have gone higher but my beloved parentals were waiting down at the visitor's center for us to come back (didn't want to make em worry).

Glacier Vista elevation 6300ft

This is gonna be a week of "UGH"


First the good news! Today (at 12 o'clock noon), I will start my new job as a contractor (v-) at Microsoft! :D :D: D :D I will be my first foray into "technical" project management as a Project Support Analyst. :)

So why the "UGH" you ask? Well the "UGH" has nothing to do what-so-ever with me getting a new job. I am actually really really stoked about working again (especially with Microsoft! :D ). So much that I even had trouble falling asleep right off of the bat last night. :D

The "UGH" has to do with the terrible soreness that I am having from my whole legs... A little back story I suppose.

Last Thursday, I hiked up some trails on Mount Rainier. It was a total of around 5 miles over roughly 1500 feet of elevation (I think). Roughly around 4 hours total. Two days after that (Saturday), I joined a few friends to go hike up Mount Si (8 miles round trip, 3000ft of elevation, and ~6-7 hours). This was particularly a killer trip. Carrying a second back pack for a friend really exhausted me as well (was really worried for my friend haha). I didn't compensate for the extra load enough and I totally ran out of energy half a mile to the top. Good thing we had a hearty lunch at the top and made it down relatively alright (though I had to take extra caution to preserve my bad knees). The next day (Sunday) I woke up and my whole leg was pretty much screaming sore (you know it's sore when the first thing that happens after you open your eyes is the pain screaming haha). So what did I do to nurse myself in preparation for my first day on the job? I played soccer (futsal) that afternoon during a Malaysian gathering that we hosted in our back yard. I ran around like a maniac (a maniac with a full stomach too HAHA), slipping and sliding on our lawn, jumping, heading, dribbling, and tackling. Heck, I even scored a goal too (as well as becoming a crazed defender)... ;)

Anyone wanna guess what I felt the moment I opened my eyes this morning? ;)

Wish me luck this week fellow readers! :D

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My public confession

Oh where were you all my life?
You were always there.
Existing around me.
I just never bothered to care.

But I have since changed.
I see all that I have missed.
We now have a strong relationship.
Although we have never kissed.

You are always there for me.
Always in my arm.
Unquestioning loyalty,
Always protecting me from harm.

When I am happy.
You are always there to pick.
Sing songs like Jason Mraz.
Just less acoustic.

When I am down.
You too always sing.
Sad soulful blues.
Something like B.B. King.

When I am energized.
As always you draw breath.
We both get pumped.
At music from Megadeth.

You compliment me,
In every single way.
Deep down inside,
I know we're here to stay.

When you're near,
I always hold you close.
Full of pride and confidence.
I really get a great big dose.

Our close relationship.
One could call electric.
We are special and unique.
Others will try and mimic.

As I caress your smooth slender body.
Glide my hand down your lovely neck.
I see a lifetime of making sweet music.
This is something that will never wreck.

For in my crazy life,
You have become a constant.
No matter what happens to me.
You're always there in an instant.

I truly cherish you for that.
For you I will love and care.
Always protect you from harm.
In envy people will stare.

I now have no fear,
For I know you're never far.
And for that I love you so my dearest,
Electric Guitar...

- Scott Suleiman

Creative Commons license at the bottom of the page

Friday, July 10, 2009

A Google OS? ZOMG?!

Wait wait. Cool your jets.

It's not an Operating System in a traditional sense. Let's take this in slowly. It is Google's Chrome OS. Chrome OS. Chrome is Google's web browser (that I'm still waiting for the Linux version of). An OS is well, an Operating System. Take those two together and what do you get? Operating System for Google's Chrome internet browser. Bingo.

Google Chrome is an OS that is being built (or shall I say stripped) from Linux (on top of the kernel). It will be stripped to the bare bones to only allow Chrome to run. Nothing else. Google's reasoning for this seems to be fairly interesting. They want a secure simple stripped OS (so it'll boot up super fast) so people can access the internet (via Chrome of course) really fast.

That's it. :)

It certainly makes sense for Google right (with all of their web apps). ;) Though I must say an "OS" in the traditional sense is supposed to do a lot more for people. I browse a lot but I run a lot of other apps (Foobar2000, IMs, IRC,etc etc) but then again, with the internet, you can access all of those online.

Should be really interesting.

Linky for reading: