Friday, July 10, 2009

A Google OS? ZOMG?!

Wait wait. Cool your jets.

It's not an Operating System in a traditional sense. Let's take this in slowly. It is Google's Chrome OS. Chrome OS. Chrome is Google's web browser (that I'm still waiting for the Linux version of). An OS is well, an Operating System. Take those two together and what do you get? Operating System for Google's Chrome internet browser. Bingo.

Google Chrome is an OS that is being built (or shall I say stripped) from Linux (on top of the kernel). It will be stripped to the bare bones to only allow Chrome to run. Nothing else. Google's reasoning for this seems to be fairly interesting. They want a secure simple stripped OS (so it'll boot up super fast) so people can access the internet (via Chrome of course) really fast.

That's it. :)

It certainly makes sense for Google right (with all of their web apps). ;) Though I must say an "OS" in the traditional sense is supposed to do a lot more for people. I browse a lot but I run a lot of other apps (Foobar2000, IMs, IRC,etc etc) but then again, with the internet, you can access all of those online.

Should be really interesting.

Linky for reading:

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