Thursday, July 16, 2009

My public confession

Oh where were you all my life?
You were always there.
Existing around me.
I just never bothered to care.

But I have since changed.
I see all that I have missed.
We now have a strong relationship.
Although we have never kissed.

You are always there for me.
Always in my arm.
Unquestioning loyalty,
Always protecting me from harm.

When I am happy.
You are always there to pick.
Sing songs like Jason Mraz.
Just less acoustic.

When I am down.
You too always sing.
Sad soulful blues.
Something like B.B. King.

When I am energized.
As always you draw breath.
We both get pumped.
At music from Megadeth.

You compliment me,
In every single way.
Deep down inside,
I know we're here to stay.

When you're near,
I always hold you close.
Full of pride and confidence.
I really get a great big dose.

Our close relationship.
One could call electric.
We are special and unique.
Others will try and mimic.

As I caress your smooth slender body.
Glide my hand down your lovely neck.
I see a lifetime of making sweet music.
This is something that will never wreck.

For in my crazy life,
You have become a constant.
No matter what happens to me.
You're always there in an instant.

I truly cherish you for that.
For you I will love and care.
Always protect you from harm.
In envy people will stare.

I now have no fear,
For I know you're never far.
And for that I love you so my dearest,
Electric Guitar...

- Scott Suleiman

Creative Commons license at the bottom of the page

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