Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I <3 my PS3

The Playstation 3, is my absolute most favorite piece of electronic hardware ever! Never has a console been so versatile, so user friendly, so powerful, and so feature rich!

It has been over a year since I've had a PS3 (left it behind when I moved out here). And my how much has changed! There are more features added.

Among my favorite is that the PS3 now detects Windows Media Servers. In this case, it detected my Windows Home Server and from there, I can stream my MP3s and watch my movies through the PS3. Awesome!

The Playstation Store has been revamped as well. I can't wait to try stuff out and play around with Remote play... :D

Word Definition of the day

I ran across this today @ DailyTech.

Douchebaggery - Presenting one's self in a manner that inspires those around you to wish death and/or serious injury upon you.


UPDATE: I just realized that there should be a second definition to this. Jack Thompson. (May his ass get disbarred quickly).

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Busy Busy Busy!

Tons of stuff are going on. :o

My family is here, we moved all the way from Kansas to Seattle, WA in pretty much a non-stop drive. Crazyness.... 1800+ miles non-stop.

Today, the parentals just signed on for the house so we are the official owners. We will be taking possession on Monday and now I have already started moving some of my bills over to there.

The family's Earthly possessions are all on a truck thats going around the country. All we know is it will be here in ~2 weeks.... Yeap... Slow...

Moving sucks.

I am know also pretty much broke. Kinda went nuts this month. Bought a new axe, bought a MGS4 80GB PS3 bundle, and all the costs inbetween (lost wages due to flying - and the cost of air fare itself). Tight! Next month doesn't look to be too nice either. Hoping to buy a Mesa Boogie combo tube amp and I suddenly have the itch for the Epiphone Slash Signature model (this time with selling my Ibanez off though... :p ). Argh. I need to stop spending...

Can't wait for our 3rd PS3! MGS4! WEWT!