Friday, February 15, 2008

Just to bring people up to speed

Not that any of you internet folks would be direly interested in what I have to say/post/do. ;)

I am a computer hardware freak. I spend most of my free time reading up on tech news. Sad but true. :( But if anything is wrong with your PC or if you want to do anything with it, chances are, I know exactly what would be best. Did I mention that I also write about computers? is where it's cool to be. ;)

So how is it like being sad and reading about computer crap all day? Well it's not too bad I guess. I have this innate sense of curiosity and big desire to help people out (what better way then spreading knowledge through this right?). However, there are those party poopers out there that say 'Oh you're biased, you keep recommending this and that'. Well I'm sorry I didn't pick the brand that you're a fan of. Kinda funny (in a pathetic way) fan boys call me a fan boy. Only bias I have is to putting money (that is hard earned) to the better product.

But I digress (as you will most definitely see oftenly ;) ).

What am I up to?
Hoping to get into graduate school right now. Kinda working right now to save up and help finance that. Wanna get cracking on my MBA before I get way too rusty. Computers are my interest, business is my passion and thus I have dedicated my life towards that. My ideal job would be (naturally) with a tech company that I would allow me to truly be in the industry that I love so much (to itty bitty bits).

In fact, I am supposed to take my GMAT tomorrow. I fully expect to be slaughtered. I have tons riding on this one test as if I am unable to score a high enough score, I will have to wait for next year (as I would miss the application deadline for this year).

What other stuff about me?
I'm big into gaming. PC and Console. I am one of the Clan leaders of a Counter Strike beta clan (est. 1999).

PsYkHoTiK is my online handle. More people know me by that name then my real name (haha I R sad). Google it up. Though that person from myspace isn't me, and neither is that hate site (i r teh lover) and I am not French. haha!

I love to write. I am crazy anal about spelling. I use acronyms sparingly (though in this modern world it's hard not to use LMAO LOL ZOMG omghi2u, rawr (me trade mark war cry) and the such. I do not butcher the English language. And as for the English language, I make it a point to speak and spell in American English. As my more former colony attached friends say, I am a 'bloody American'.

I love: Cars, PCs, weapons, gaming, sleeping, being lazy, more gaming, cooking, eating (almost forgot), and joking around and more sleeping.

I hate: Being bored, being lonely (kinda hard for me to avoid that one), being hungry, being thirsty, being hot (like hot day outside and no shade).

Got any questions or need help with computers and stuff? Just hit me up and I'll do my best to answer them. :)

If there are any readers yet (doubt it) post up and say something. :)

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