Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools!


I am not so much of a prankster. Just more of a joker (silly beans!).

But for this time around, I have decided to unleash some lunacy on my office. >:)

One thing that everyone hates is a BSOD. This is the cause for unimaginable pain and anguish for many. I personally get it due to overzealous hardware settings (*cough* overclocking *cough*).

But I have put this on my office computer. A BSOD screensaver!

This thing is pretty sweet. Shows random real BSODs which resets after a while and looks like Windows XP is bootin up followed by another blue screen.


EDIT: Already my boss walked by my desk and saw the BSOD. He said "Oh why the heck does the keep happening to you guys?". (Nick has it too). Hahah!

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