Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Specifics, Keep It Simple Stupid, Give yourself more credit

A.k.a resume writing.

Boy I hate it. :s

It's hard to quantify yourself. Especially for me as I don't like to toot my own horn. But unfortunately, that's what a resume is. It is hard as you may have had a pretty hard and demanding job, but since it is your job, you don't think anything of it. A good buddy of mine (Abe) came by to help me out with my resume and as I would explain stuff that I did, he'd go wow and where the fuck (well not quite that word) is that on your resume? :o

But it is good to have a good friend (family cannot really cut it on somethings) who has a fresh and objective (hence why family is excluded) view on things. A complete outsider to help suggest things (not write the freaking thing for you) to put on your resume.

Though another option that I am considering is have it written (for a hefty sum).

We shall see. :)

All I know thus far, is my old resume is shit that is vague and would be better off as toilet paper. I have the buff and horsepower, just not the ticket for the ride. :\

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