Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Child's Play

So I ran across this charity that is based in the Seattle area (what a wonderful place I live in). Child's Play is a charity that is set up to provide children's hospitals with a means to let kids who are undergoing treatment, a chance to do what a lot of kids (and adults) do. Which is play video games.

For a little kid that is growing up, a hospital is a very scary place. The "smell" of the hospital, the hustle and bustle as well as the stress of surgery can be a lot for a little 10 year old to take. I can somewhat relate to this because I had to have surgery when I was in preschool many many moons ago. It was traumatizing ordeal for me and all things considered, a lot of kids have had it worse. The ordeal I went through is nothing compared to what some of these poor kids have to go through.

So please fellow gamers, give generously. Show the world and most of the stupid press (apart from gamer/tech press that is haha), that we aren't time bombs. GTA IV has not made us into criminals (which it really hasn't - hearing crap like this gets old after a while huh?). Instead, we are people with big hearts. And who else to help but our budding gamers?

Seattle Children's Hospital Amazon wish list from Child's Play. You can get your local children's hospital's wish list/info from Child's Play's site. I will also keep a picture that has a link embedded to Child's Play on the right pane of this blog.

Personally for me, I hope to put some of my next paycheck into this cause. I hope some of my esteemed readers do the same. :)

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