Monday, June 1, 2009

Time for a new mouse

Input devices.

What are they you ask?

They are the gateway to the wondrous machine before you. (I mean how else are you pondering upon this humble nook in the internets?) Keyboards and mice (commonly, though not limited to it). Basically anything that you, um, well input into the computer (biometric devices, light pens and tablets, et al). Until they invent something that you can hook up to your brain to use your computer, then everything else you use to interface could be classified as an input device (technically speaking, when they day does arrive, the thinga-ma-bob that hooks up to your noggin would still technically be an input device).

Again, since everyone uses it, I find it surprising that a lot of people do not really pay all too much attention to it. I mean really. Even for the most hardcore pc upgraders, there still are a few 'constants' (by constants, I mean things that don't get cycled out every 6-12 months - hey that's ages in our world).

I personally invest a great deal of time, effort, and cash on my input devices. Of them, I have long since been a devout Logitech user. Infact, I have never used anything but Logitech (they should so <3 href="">Logitech G15 keyboard and my G7 mouse has been in service for quite a few years. Alas my G7 has started to become finicky (it apparently has developed a hobby of not responding - believe me when I tell you that it is super frustrating regardless on desktop or in game). When that happens, I have to start turning the mouse off, ejecting the battery, and disconnecting the dongle (in no particular order) until it starts working. If I am on desktop, then I will have to navigate (via keyboard) to the Logitech connection utility (which sometimes works). For more severe bouts, a restart usually takes care of it. All remedies are annoying (surprise surprise?).

So alas I have given up and was in search of a source of pointing device dpi heavenly goodness. My first obvious choice was of course the Logitech G9. However, the looks really didn't jive that well with me. I loved the kidney shape of the old Logitech mice (MX5xx/G5/G7). So instead, I settled for a Microsoft Sidewinder x8 (HERESY I know). It seemed to have exactly what I needed (large sized mouse, wireless, convenient charging, a forward and backwards scroll button and DPI adjustment). Can't wait for it to arrive and start tinkering with it. And maybe *gasp* I will write a review on it (haven't really written an 'actual' article for a while).

We'll see.

Stay tuned for this Wednesday!

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